December 13, 2008

Museum of Everyday Culture: Soviet Tea Ceremony -- Музей обыденной культуры: советское чаепитие

RUS: Чаепития бывают разные. В советское время в России одной из форм было питие чая из граненых стаканов в подстаканниках (на фото: граненые стаканы и алюминиевые, стальные подстаканники конца 70-х - начала 80-х годов ХХ века).
ENG: There are different tea ceremonies. In the Soviet times in Russia one of the forms was drinking tea from faceted glasses in glass holders (in the picture: faceted glasses and aluminum, steel glass holders of the end of 1970s - the beginning of 1980s).


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

A friend told me this place I have been looking for, I come, it turned out, I have not disappointed, good Blog

Anonymous said...

Although from different places, but this perception is consistent, which is relatively rare point!